Tuesday 27 May 2008

Write da feem toon, Sing da feem toon - My Top 27 Tv Theme Tunes

Controversial - No MASH, Cheers, Scooby-Doo or Van Der Valk...

The Adams Family - spookylishously clicky

The Flashing Blade - highlite of anyone's week - I totally loved this

Dr Who - timeless - though I prefare the Pertwee era tune

The Water Margin - before cgi came Lin Chung and the Liang-Shan-Po massive. The ancient sages said, "do not despise the snake for having no horns, for who is to say it will not become a dragon" Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire ;)

Jonathan Creek - magical and macabre

The Avengers - with Emma Peel of course

Angel - 1st of a Josh Weedon trilogy and with fab strings

Mission Impossible - you only have 5 seconds to enjoy this before it self-destructs

Robinson Crusoe - best on Fridays and so evocative of a place in time (front room on Saturdays)

Batman - Oi Batman come in - your dina-dina-dina dinner's ready

Firefly - Josh's version is even more hilarious. Always leaves me feeling a sense of serenity...

Hawaii Five-O - book em (for children's parties, Bar Mitzvahs, weddings...)

RawHide - keep moovin-moovin-moovin ... Clint's first big break on the little screen

White Horses - cheesier than even Black Beauty

The Littlest Hobo - brings a tear every time (bless)

Champion The Wonder Horse - like a thingy of lightening - very very frightening

The Wombles - Orinoco flow

Stingray and what about Aqua Marina

The Banana Splits La-La laaa Lala La-Laa ad infinitum

Buffy - The later versions got quite speedy n'est pas?

The Monkees - here they come...

Robin of Sherwood ahh haa - the hooded man. Used to love this mystical nonsense

The Persuaders - by the man behind the Bond musical classics

Captain Scarlet indestructuctable and untoucable theme tune (no place for Joe 90 and his magic glasses though)

Minder so good for you... (apparently has been known to write a theme toon and sing a theme toon, in his time).

Are You Being Served - going up (as sampled by Coil). Have you seen Mrs Slocombe's cat ?

Fireball XL5 - Another Gerry Anderson series, this time staring Steve Zodiac. He would go on to find fame later, in hit US series Veronica Mars...

1 comment:

  1. I like that arrow thwack noise at the start of the Robin of Sherwood theme, classy, unlike Jason Connery, who just looked like a clumsy fat blonde bear compared to Michael Praid didn't he. And crap at running. And Jesus I'd forgotten how good the Fireball XL5 music is. Fireball XL5 is the first time I saw puppet dancing- Dr Venus doing the twist (I think that was the only movement a supermarionette could do at the time)Marvellous.
